We did it!! All paw pins funded, jewelry will be in preorder store
23 days ago
– Fri, Feb 14, 2025 at 11:23:10 PM
Thank you, everyone!
First: please vote on the attached poll if you have an opinion on it/are interested in that colorway! I'll also email all who already backed for the alien paw before the month ends, so please keep an eye out for that! If it is not 100% unanimous by the people who actually have pledged for it so far (I have absolutely no way of knowing if the person who voted already is a current pledge), the metal color will stay black nickel, don't worry.
Second: Please check out my collab partner's preorder store and spread the word if you know anyone who wanted something that was still locked! I still have some ducks to get in a row for mine to be published, more on that below.

In the last few hours of the campaign, we did pass 3.7k and the matcha and chocolate matcha badges were unlocked as add-ons. They will also be on the surveys and preorder store! So will the 4" freebie sticker for backers of 5+ pins, it will be finished by the time those go live. All add-on limits for paws were also raised to 20, making a total of 30 available for each individual choice colorway. That extends to surveys, but individual choice will NOT be an option in the preorder store!
In the survey, I will ask people if they want to be charged immediately upon filling it out, or later when I plan to lock all of them (likely late April). Finances fluctuate, so please pick which option will be easiest for you to keep track of, I don't want to inadvertently cause any stress down the line. This is a new thing I'm testing out, however, so I may not get everyone who says "right now" within 24hrs of their response every time, depending on how delayed your survey response is after they're sent out.
I will likely send out surveys mid-March. My online shop is closed thru March while I try to improve my health back to a better baseline and also fulfill the Pintober rewards (half of those pins have shipped to me, half are still being worked on...). I also have to do more writing for my video game in the meantime, I don't have another convention until Colossalcon Prime at the end of May so I'm trying to take advantage of the "downtime."
Back to preorder store...there are a few things I am adding to preorder store AND add-ons, like mentioned above and also liquid shakers, but I'll have the cat paw septums available only there as a stretch goal.

Since they won't be on surveys, if their goal isn't met, it is very easy to just not charge anyone for them. If they do get funded, it doesn't mean you have to be charged shipping twice if you are an original campaign backer and a preorder store backer, I can combine your shipping easily.
Thanks again!
First: please vote on the attached poll if you have an opinion on it/are interested in that colorway! I'll also email all who already backed for the alien paw before the month ends, so please keep an eye out for that! If it is not 100% unanimous by the people who actually have pledged for it so far (I have absolutely no way of knowing if the person who voted already is a current pledge), the metal color will stay black nickel, don't worry.
Second: Please check out my collab partner's preorder store and spread the word if you know anyone who wanted something that was still locked! I still have some ducks to get in a row for mine to be published, more on that below.

In the last few hours of the campaign, we did pass 3.7k and the matcha and chocolate matcha badges were unlocked as add-ons. They will also be on the surveys and preorder store! So will the 4" freebie sticker for backers of 5+ pins, it will be finished by the time those go live. All add-on limits for paws were also raised to 20, making a total of 30 available for each individual choice colorway. That extends to surveys, but individual choice will NOT be an option in the preorder store!
In the survey, I will ask people if they want to be charged immediately upon filling it out, or later when I plan to lock all of them (likely late April). Finances fluctuate, so please pick which option will be easiest for you to keep track of, I don't want to inadvertently cause any stress down the line. This is a new thing I'm testing out, however, so I may not get everyone who says "right now" within 24hrs of their response every time, depending on how delayed your survey response is after they're sent out.
I will likely send out surveys mid-March. My online shop is closed thru March while I try to improve my health back to a better baseline and also fulfill the Pintober rewards (half of those pins have shipped to me, half are still being worked on...). I also have to do more writing for my video game in the meantime, I don't have another convention until Colossalcon Prime at the end of May so I'm trying to take advantage of the "downtime."
Back to preorder store...there are a few things I am adding to preorder store AND add-ons, like mentioned above and also liquid shakers, but I'll have the cat paw septums available only there as a stretch goal.

Since they won't be on surveys, if their goal isn't met, it is very easy to just not charge anyone for them. If they do get funded, it doesn't mean you have to be charged shipping twice if you are an original campaign backer and a preorder store backer, I can combine your shipping easily.
Thanks again!